Paula Abdul is asking the court to ‘strike’ part of Nigel Lythgoe’s response to the lawsuit, claiming he ‘armed’ her.

Paula Abdul sued Lithgow in December, claiming he was sexually assaulted twice by the producer.
Paula Abdul is asking the court to dismiss part of the response to Nigel Lythgoe’s sexual assault claim.
Paula Abdul
In new court documents obtained by ET, filed on March 14, the 61-year-old singer claims the 74-year-old lead singer used his response to her lawsuit to “de weapons acted as an attack on Abdul for believing.”
“Lithgow used his response clearly not for what he intended (i.e., to make well-pleaded and supported defences) but weaponized it as an attack on convincing Ms. Abdul through the court of public opinion.” ,” the submission read. “Such pleading procedures are clearly inappropriate, for the reasons set forth above, and Ms. Abdul therefore respectfully requests that the court grant her Motion to Strike and strike Lythgoe’s Answer.” page 2, paragraph 3 to page 16, paragraph
The latest filing also included text messages from Lithgow sent by Paula Abdul, allegedly “sexual and provocative.”
The latest developments come after Abdul responded to Lithgow’s lawsuit in court, accusing him of being a victim.
In a statement to ET, an attorney for former American Idol judge Melissa Eubanks called Abdul Lithgow’s response “classic victim shaming” and accused Lithgow of failing to “appreciate that she has a position of power over Ms. Abdul.”
“He created American Idol and SYTYCD and was a talent,” the story continues. “She held her business cards in her hands, and she knew it. And thus it’s no surprise that Ms. Abdul soothed her ego with a positive message and service-like service.”
He held his business cards in his hands, he knew. Therefore, it is not surprising that Ms. Abdul delivered a good message and a seemingly relaxed service. These are the safeguards that many women like Ms. Abdul takes it to deal with men who abuse their power.”
Paula Abdul also claims that Lithgow cherry-picked from years of text messages with him in an attempt to discredit his claims.
“[W]hat his appointment fails to account for are the many instances of explicit sexual harassment he forced Abdul to endure. On March 8, 2014, Lithgow wrote to Abdul: ‘When you return to LA You will have and then you will turn it on. make love to me! Slowly and with love!'” the story continues. “When Ms Abdul failed to respond, Mr Lithgow announced, ‘I’ll take that as a YES then!’ On April 10, 2014, she wrote the same, in response to Abdul’s message about a SYTYCD audition in Las Vegas: ‘If you promise a big wet kiss!Your tongue! Is a small grope of the a* * Asking too much.’ ?'”
“In July 2014, Mr Lithgow also admitted his behavior was inappropriate towards Ms Abdul: ‘You love me like a relationship and I love you like a girlfriend. Can I easily be your f**king cousin? Ha ha’. It has.” there many examples of such verbal attacks against Ms Abdul.” , which is evidence of a lot of abuse in Ms. Abdul’s time on American Idol and SYTYCD.
Lithgow responded to Abdul’s claims that he raped her on two separate occasions, calling her accusations “pure fiction”.
According to court documents obtained by ET, Lithgow cites “Abdul’s personal statement” as his defense that Lithgow, who filed the lawsuit back in December, is adamant that he did not harass, harass or molest Abdul . . . .
“How do we know?” Lithgow asks rhetorically in court documents. “Abdul’s own words: his private emails and public statements on social media, made repeatedly during and after the time he now alleges abuse, where Abdul revealed how he really felt about Lithgow, his friend.” and his colleagues.” . . . .
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In a 22-page response filed Tuesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court, Lithgow included the text of these emails Abdul allegedly sent over the years. He did not attach emails or screenshots to the lawsuit. Lithgow also included details of messages Abdul allegedly tweeted at Lithgow over the years, messages Lithgow said showed he had been Abdul’s “leader, support-planner, colleague, business colleague, who sought his guidance and.”
his mind and he showed love for her.” and occasionally served in public and private during the same period that Abdul now alleges that Lythgoe ‘abused’ him.”Lythgoe claims that he and Abdul are “long-standing friends” who “are together celebrated the birthday. He claims that it was the only American Idol executive who was invited to his 40th birthday party and “celebrated other milestones and accomplishments with family and friends.
The embattled Hollywood producer also says that he “fought to cast Paula Abdul on projects like American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance, despite companies’ hesitation to work with Abdul, whose character a.” he’s motivated by not using drugs.”
He went on to say that Abdul’s lawsuit “could be interpreted as a ploy to profit from his long-lost reputation and/or unfair advantage ahead of his Magic Summer 2024 tour announcement Lithgow pleads to court.” was asked to drop Abdul’s case.
In her statement, Paula Abdul said Lithgow raped her in an elevator during one of the “early seasons” of American Idol. He was one of the original judges from 2002 to 2009 along with Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson. Abdul says Lithgow sexually assaulted her in 2015 at her home, when she was a judge at SYTYCD.
Lithgow denied Paula Abdul claims, telling ET the allegations, “Not only are they false, but they are deeply offensive to me and everything I stand for.”
Following the Paula Abdul case, Lithgow faced a lawsuit from two unidentified women who claimed they competed in the short-lived film All American Girl in 2003. Shortly thereafter, companies a the filmmakers and network behind the dance competition series announced that Lithgow has left the show